Plaisir Charnel

Plaisir Charnel - Menoboy

Time: 128 minutes
Doryann engages in artistic activities such as photography and drawing. But Doryann is also a very sexy charmer and also a very animal, even hard man. Doryann Marguet cumulates sexual conquests in this gay porn movie.
Scenes taken from this DVD
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During a shoot, Doryann invites the model to do nude. He compliments him with "Ooh-la-la," "that's great" or "you're giving me a hard-on." When looking at the pictures, the model Valentin says "I know how you could put me on". Smiling, Doryann says "I don't know if it's okay for the artist to fuck her model" "It's not very professional". The gay model kisses Doryann Marguet who does not push him away. For 35 minutes, the two guys are having a great time, which Doryann says "You know you're sexy when you're having fun". And to finish this exciting fuck, Valentin Defarge asks him for his sperm, a massive ejaculation that he will have in his mouth.


I couldn't cut out the images of his two supernatural beings. Doryann Marguet is completely possessed, whether he's with a chick or a guy it doesn't matter as long as he can kick some good ass. Today he meets the Italian Antonello, our passive demon who is very active with domineering men. He yells, he squeals... you be the judge of this gay video. If you like this porn video, here's another one: You want my cock. French porn directed by Ludovic Peltier. The gay actors are Antonello and Doryann Marguet.

Addicted to your cock
Addicted to your cock

Doryann Marguet is practicing his favourite hobby today: drawing. He is enjoying this moment of creativity when the bell rings. His fuck-buddy is at the door and he wants cock right now...


Doryann enjoys artistic pursuits such as photography and drawing. But Doryann is also a sexy charmer and a very animal, even hard man. Doryann Marguet makes a series of sexual conquests in this gay porn film.

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