Clément Viktorobitch

Clément Viktorobitch

Clément Viktorobitch

Clément Viktorobitch's videos on Frenchporn
Clément Viktorobitch have played in 1 gay videos on
en::page-video::text::with Andolini Clément Viktorobitch en::page-video::text::studio Andolini

"At the end of the day Andolini finds time to go to the Lyon shopping center to buy a blue baseball cap, and soon notices that he is being followed by a young man who keeps staring at him and his jogging suit. Andolini doesn't hesitate and tells him about his new cap. The stranger immediately introduces himself as Viktor and reveals that he recognized Andolini and wanted to share a friend with him. Andolini is delighted by this discovery and agrees to let Viktor come home with him. Once at Andolini's, Viktor realizes that his friend is not available. Viktor also notices that Andolini's cock is bulging in his sweatpants, which tells him that Andolini has a need to satisfy. The rest in pictures ... here" (TK)