


Rabzouz's videos on Frenchporn
Rabzouz have played in 1 gay videos on FrenchPorn.fr and 4 videos on our other websites
You used to be a manly dude, now you're my cum dump
You used to be a manly dude, now you're my cum dump

Meet Rabzouz, a new charming dude who's just moved into the neighborhood. Very manly, sportswear look, he attracts bottoms. But he follows dom Dzfuck: Rabzouz is a manly bottom. He's vaguely heard of Dzfuck and his big, crazy glans. And since Rabzouz really digs round, generous glans, he was attracted. He's not too experienced and Dzfuck can feel it. But don't worry: the boss is used to training novice mouths and holes, and likes to turn a good, manly male into a true cum dump. With his firm hands, he quickly makes Rabzouz understand that dick is better when you obey and let it fuck your throat like a pussy. Rabzouz discovers the depth of his own throat, the blast of having it filed down and ends up arching his back to get his ass pounded in the back of Dzfuck's car. No guy had ever dominated him like this, he feels all the power of the Master that is Dzfuck and he finds himself wetting his hole so much : this big cock just feels so good. An amazing start!

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