Antoine Tessier

Antoine Tessier

Antoine Tessier

Antoine Tessier's videos on Frenchporn
Antoine Tessier have played in 1 gay videos on
Antoine wants tenderness? Either, he will be in front of the camera, fucked and three times spermed by his boyfriend. Are you serious?
Antoine wants tenderness? Either, he will be in front of the camera, fucked and three times spermed by his boyfriend. Are you serious?

I'm in La Rochelle and I've been waiting for this for a long time. I've heard so much about this beautiful city. I'm also looking forward to meeting Simon and Antoine. Antoine is, I think, the most beautiful kitty I've ever met in my life. He's amazing. You really have to see him to believe it. Infinitely better than the pictures they sent me. Antoine is also a very serious and studious student, who works on his courses day and night. Cultured, charming, smiling, half macho, half pussycat, and very much in love with his Simon, Antoine is a real class act... Simon has two jobs. A job with responsibilities for the administration on the one hand, and a sports coach in a gym of a big brand... plus some small jobs as a private sports coach. The guy works all the time in the open. He is very impressive, his talk about his physique of living god. Shooting porn is the common dream of Antoine and Simon for two years already. Unfortunately we won't see Simon's face in this scene, since he signed an exclusive contract with his employer for his image, and it's a real, real shame because the guy is as handsome as he is well built. Yes, I swear. A dreamy face. That said, Antoine is so hot and Simon ultra TBFTBM that it doesn't matter, you'll see. The rest slides by itself and the scene goes too well, a perfection, Simon grabs his pussy, and half sweet lover half macho bastard fucks him through all the holes, unloads him three times in the mouth and the ass, stuffs him in the juice, has fun with it, fucks him through all the holes... As a bonus, the camera is entitled to a few glances from Antoine who sometimes seems to regret, "uh it's maybe a bit strong for me". Apparently the kitty did not expect to be so shaken by his guy.