


Hector's videos on Frenchporn
Hector have played in 1 gay videos on FrenchPorn.fr and 3 videos on our other websites
Gay lovers in extasis
Gay lovers in extasis

Extatic fuck between Etalon, a french porn star from Citebeur, and his young mixed-race loverboy Hector. Two guys crush for each other and make love like holiwood lovers who were separated for a longtime. Hector jumps on that mighty Etalon's hard dick, while two guys literraly glue their bodies in a fusion. All Hector's holes are used to satisfy Etalon's testosterone owerload. Pretty boy is mercilessly fucked by his experienced gay lover, and offers him the best love-play to this day.

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Bitchy Hector
My friend, my lover
Love at first sight, dick deep inside
Bitchy Hector
My friend, my lover
Love at first sight, dick deep inside
Bitchy Hector
My friend, my lover