Rudy Fasso

Rudy Fasso

Rudy Fasso

Rudy Fasso's videos on Frenchporn
Rudy Fasso have played in 3 gay videos on and 10 videos on our other websites
CandyCock, the hairy-ass demon

When midnight comes and you want to see your ass fucked, call CANDY COCK! The demon prick always responds to a good hairy ass if you ask for it! Rudy Fasso plays the role of a demon fucker with Pedro Montero for the first time on screen!


Rudy Fasso hasn't stopped surprising us for several weeks. Sometimes in Striptease mode, sometimes in cape and sweat in the cellars of the 93, Ruddy has a magic wand full of juice that gives a smile to the greedy mouths.

Discover 10 additional videos with Rudy Fasso on our other websites Discover 10 additional videos with Rudy Fasso on our other websites
Click here to watch more gay porn with Rudy Fasso Click here to watch more gay porn with Rudy Fasso
Rudy Fasso makes Max Lava his juice bitch
Gang of Fuckers kicks a bitch's ass
Two over-excited buddies do the gogo dancer
Sensual dance and unbridled fuck between Rudy Fasso & Favio Vader
Phone me your tail, Rudy Fasso!
Andre Cruise, Rudy Fasso's bitch, the Bronx Gangsta
Rudy's big black mamba splash