The other side of'Zhoom' has surprising images in store for us. Surprisingly enough for Lucas, he takes advantage of Florian's nap to do him. Florian does not resist him and lets him fuck him in pitch dark.
Lucas has some free time on his hands in Zhoom'bunker'. He decides to head to the swimming pool where he runs into a young twink: Cyril. It is easy to cruise in a spot like that. Lucas kisses him then he makes him suck his cock before inserting it in his ass and fucking him in a few different positions. Just one code for this video.
Lucas DARREN is vacationing in HYERES (in the 83, I think!). He crosses paths with Max LACOSTE, a new porn actor (humor lol). The 2 handsome guys go crazy for each other and lucas DARREN zhooms in on Max's crotch. The handsome guy takes him to a fisherman's shack to bang his ass on the seashore. The problem is: there are lots of mosquitoes! And MAX is going to widen Lucas's ass so much that the mosquitoes are all going to get in... To be seen! ! ! ! !