


Karim's videos on Frenchporn
Karim have played in 1 gay videos on FrenchPorn.fr
Love affair between french twink and gay Arab boy
Love affair between french twink and gay Arab boy

On the gay dating service beuronline.com, where you can get a lot of immigrants, gay Arabs and black gay men, Roman Tik meet Karim, a young gay Arab boy of Algerian origins. Two guys meet in the cellar of Karim's social building in Nanterre, a district where lives a large portion of the immigrant population. They start to kiss and suck each other dicks like in the Hollywood love affair. Roman Tik performs deep throat suck, then Karim licks the big french dick of Roman's. After some hesitation, the young gay Arab boy decides to offer his ass, and discover the pleasure of sodomy. It's not the first time for him to get fucked in the ass, but this time it was done by a professional porn star gay. After exploring the art of sodomy, the two hot bunnies end up in mutual wanking.