In college after a few months of getting to know each other, things are quite simple now. When a student wants to fuck and shoot his load, he asks his roommate for a bit of help!
College is nearly over but some of the students don't want their time there to end. It's quite easy to understand when all they do is spend their time sucking each other's cock!
They've been friends through and college. They've had their first wank together. Now they meet regularly to fuck together. Five delicious smooth boys who love nothing more than sucking cock, fucking and getting fucked!
Two eighteen year old boys fancy their teacher. At the end of the class when everyone is leaving, they stay behind to flirt with him. They thought he was gay and they couldn't resist trying to suck his cock and even more!
Three college boys spend most year studying and practicing sports together. It is easy to understand how they learned to enjoy each others' company! Today after swimming practice, in their tight speedos, they can't stop looking at each other and their cocks are getting hard!